Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Don't Raise Mosquitoes in Your Yard

While doing your spring cleanup activities, be sure to look for mosquito breeding sites in your yard. The first step to fighting mosquitoes MUST begin in YOUR backyard.

West Nile Virus is most frequently transmitted through the house mosquito. Since it can only fly about 1-½ miles, this mosquito usually breeds and lives in our own backyards. After getting an adequate blood meal, the adult female mosquito lays her eggs in any stagnant water source. The eggs and larvae must have water to live. Therefore, we must remove as many water sources as possible from our yards and communities.

The water source does not have to be large. In fact, the house mosquito prefers small, nasty water pools. It can breed in water sources as small as an 8-ounce glass.

Keep birdbaths clean
Here are common areas in our yards that often hold enough water to breed mosquitoes: dirty gutters, flat roofs, tin cans, buckets, brake drums, bottles, candy wrappers, and trash. Most people know to eliminate tires, which are the Crown Plaza of breeding sites. Also, remember to keep swimming pools clean and dump water in tarps and other covers. Keep birdbaths clean and fresh.

For the gardener, remember to dump any water standing in containers or drip trays. Garden ponds should contain fountains or other features to keep the water moving or include top-feeding fish that will eat any mosquito larvae that try to develop.  Examples of top-feeding fish include Gambusia, known as mosquito fish, most bait minnows, guppies, or even goldfish. Koi are not recommended since they are vegetarians.

It’s hard to predict insect populations year to year.  Spring populations are easy to get a handle on due to winter conditions, but spring conditions have an effect on summer populations, summer weather affects fall insects, and so forth.   You really can’t predict problems for more than one season in a row.

Eliminating breeding sites can reduce mosquito problems in your yard.  This is key to any type of mosquito control program.  Fortunately, an ongoing program of eliminating these sites in your yard is easy and not time-consuming.  However, it must be done regularly – at least once per week since it takes mosquito larvae 5-7 days to develop.

For areas where the water cannot be eliminated, there are other options for controlling the larvae.

Originally Published in Ledger Column on 4-12-2003

Monday, November 8, 2021

Mosquito-eating Fish Another Weapon In Mosquito War

Last weekend (May 2003) we bought fish to add to our new pond. For now, we have mostly goldfish, except for one mosquito fish. We might add a koi later.

My new pond is quite large and when done will have a complete aquatic ecosystem of plants, water, and fish. It also has a small waterfall in one corner. The movement from the waterfall should be enough to keep mama mosquito from laying her eggs there, but if she does the fish will eat them!


Fish are excellent weapons in the fight against mosquitoes. The artillery includes minnows, goldfish and Gambusia affinis, also known as "mosquito fish.”  One small mosquito fish can eat up to 100 mosquito larvae each day.  They can make a big difference in a home’s water garden or small pond.


Mosquitoes go through their larval stage in water, whether it is a lake, river, water garden, gutter or birdbath.  Any container that holds water, and especially water that stagnates, is a prime breeding ground for mosquitoes.


Gambusia are related to and look very much like guppies. The males are cigar-shaped and are about an inch long. Female Gambusia are slightly larger and typically have a potbelly where they carry their developing young.  Gambusia are aggressive, eating young game and other fish.  They should not be released where they can escape into natural bodies of water. Introducing these fish to a new area carries some risk of introducing new diseases to existing fish.


Gambusia aren’t the only fish that eat mosquitoes.  Other surface feeding fish such as goldfish and minnows work well in controlling mosquito larva.  Koi, which tend to be bottom feeders, are not effective in controlling mosquito larva.


But none of these fish are effective at eliminating mosquito larvae when dense vegetation is present.  Dense vegetation can provide cover for mosquito larvae and make it difficult for fish to locate and consume them.  Reducing excess vegetation in and around the water garden is recommended.


Increasing water movement in ponds and water gardens, and eliminating standing water in old tires, gutters, and other water-holding containers are two strong tools in eliminating mosquito-breeding sites. 

Originally Published in Canton Daily Ledger Column on 5-17-2003

Lightning Bugs on the Decline

I hear a news report about the decline of the monarch butterfly almost every day, but there are other insects in decline as well. One that is a favorite of all ages is the lightning bug, which some folks also call a firefly.

As a kid I remember catching lightning bugs on warm, summer nights. We put them in empty canning jars or pickle jars, poked holes in the lids, and watched the bugs glow in our new natural lantern. Although I hate to admit it, I also sometimes ripped off the abdomen of the bug to make a glowing ring on my finger.

Source:   Whitney Cranshaw,
Colorado State University

Lightning bugs flash light to attract the opposite sex using a chemical called luciferase. There are over 136 species of lightning bugs, each with a distinctive rate of flashes per second. Male lightning bugs flash patterns of light to females who then signal in response from perches in or near the ground. When the male sees the female's flash he continues to signal and moves closer until they finally find each other and mate.

Lightning bugs are actually a type of beetle that is very beneficial in our ecosystem. The larvae stage of this beetle is a specialized predator that feeds on other insect larvae, earthworms, snails, and slugs. The tiny larval stage is dark gray with three pairs of legs and tiny spots on their underside that sometimes softly glow.  Some adult lightning bug species are also predators, and other species don’t eat at all in the adult stage. 

Large swarms of lightning bugs are a less frequent occurrence in many areas. I can remember a midnight float down the Illinois River a few years ago when the river bank was alive with millions of flashing fireflies. This summer I saw lightning bugs, but not in large numbers. They are most prevalent away from city lights and in more open areas of vegetation.

According to www.firefly.org firefly populations are dwindling all over the country, and the world. Researchers are not sure exactly what is causing the firefly decline, although most researchers think that habitat loss and light pollution from urban development are to blame.

Most fireflies need undisturbed natural areas to survive. They overwinter as larvae buried in the soil and hide during the day under bark or stones or in decaying vegetation.  Mud is needed for the pupal stage. Human light pollution is believed to interrupt firefly flash patterns and thus their mating rituals.

If you want to help researchers learn more about this insect, consider participating in a fun citizen scientist project called Firefly Watch. You simply watch fireflies in your own backyard or favorite outdoor location and record those observations online at https://legacy.mos.org/fireflywatch.

The next time you see one of these magical insects, think about how they are more than just funny flashers. They benefit our ecosystem and are also beneficial to humans. Their luciferase has been genetically engineered as an enzyme that helps screen for human tumors, test for blood problems, and detect infections faster. Wow!

Originally Published in Canton Daily Ledger Column on 9-12-2015

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Green Roofs Becoming More Popular

Recently (June 2014) I toured the Illinois Department of Agriculture’s green roof on their administration building at the State Fairgrounds in Springfield. It is an impressive sea of green sedum growing atop a structure of concrete and steel. 

Green roofs are becoming an important part of sustainable urban development. These living roofs provide many benefits, including reducing surface temperature, absorbing rainfall to reduce runoff, and even reducing indoor sound.

The Illinois Department of Agriculture’s green roof was installed in 2010. Here are some statistics they provided about the roof during our tour. 

  • It is 28,800 square feet (2/3 of a football field) and covers about 20 percent of building’s roof.
  • It weighs 28 pound per square foot when fully wet. 
  • It absorbs 480,000 gallons of rainwater annually (equal to 1 ½ football fields one foot deep with water). 
  • The roof contains 15 different species of sedum, a drought tolerant groundcover that grows 1/4 to six inches tall.
  • Plants grow in four inches of soil in trays installed over a watertight membrane layer.

This is the second green roof I’ve toured in recent years. The National Great Rivers Research & Education Center in Alton, IL is an impressive example of construction using green technologies in accordance with LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification standards. In addition to its many other impressive features, the buildings green living roof collects and stores 100% of all storm water. This roof is comprised of 12 inches of growing media and native prairie grass.

Roof gardens are not for everyone or for every roof. According to the Smart Energy Design Assistance Center at the University of Illinois (www.sedac.org), the first question to ask when considering a green roof is if the roof can accommodate the additional weight. The roof may be designed to hold a heavy snow load, but not a water logged garden.

A factsheet by SEDAC indicates that although green roofs have many benefits, they have long investment payback periods. In other words, it takes a long time to recoup the additional costs of installing this type of roof.

My house will likely need a new roof in the next few years, but I doubt a green roof will work for us. Although I love the idea and energy efficiency it brings, it will not work on my sloped roof.

Originally Published in Canton Daily Ledger Column on 7-26-2014


Last Saturday’s (3-30-2002) Gardeners’ Big Day was a great success. The day included great speakers, vendors, lunch, and good conversation among participants. Although all speakers and topics were great, everyone was talking about the hummingbird presentation.

Lois White from Smithfield presented an informative and energetic presentation on attracting hummingbirds to your yard. Lois is a dynamic person with an obvious love of hummingbirds. On Lois’s biography she writes that she has a lifelong interest in these stunning tiny birds. She has had a miniature refuge in her yard for 15 years with up to 25 feeders. Lois has a great love, admiration, and respect for our world’s tiniest birds. Some birds nest in her yard and large numbers stop over a few days on their migration both spring and fall.

Lois provided many helpful hints on how to properly feed and care for hummingbirds. An important area of emphasis was proper feeder care. This is critical. If you want to feed hummingbirds, you must be committed. This includes daily commitment to the feeder’s care or else birds will leave or be killed.

Lois uses a homemade 1:4 mixture: 1 cup sugar to 4 cups water. Bring the water to a rolling boil, add sugar and stir with wooden spoon. Cool and serve. It can be made ahead and stored in the refrigerator.

Never use honey, sugar substitute, or premixes when making your nectar mix. Research says that honey will attract bees as well as a black fungus that will cause a fatal liver and tongue disease in hummingbirds. Also, the use of red food coloring in your solution is both unnecessary and unhealthy for the birds, especially when your feeder already has the appropriate red plastic blossom.

Hummingbird feeders require routine cleaning every 2 to 3 days, especially in warm weather. Check feeders daily to be sure there are no ants, mold, or off-odor solution present. Feeders made of plastic, glass, or ceramic should be washed with a vinegar solution. Use a bottlebrush to clean hardened debris on feeders, and rinse thoroughly with warm water.

Lois attracts her hummingbirds mainly with feeders. You can also attract them with flowers. There is a long list of flowers that are attractive to hummingbirds. Some annuals that you might have success with include geraniums, verbena, dianthus, vinca, morning glories, salvia, and smaller-flowered petunias. They like red colors and fragrant blooms. However, popular flowers for hummingbirds in my yard are sage, fuschia, and impatiens.

Thanks Lois for your great presentation. Hopefully those in attendance will not only attract hummingbirds to their yards, but also do it safely and properly.

Originally Published in Canton Daily Ledger on 3-30-2002

Landscape Waste…Trash or Treasure?

We have all heard that one person’s trash is another’s treasure. That is especially true when it comes to composting garden and yard waste. In fact, many people call finished compost “black gold”.

Composting is the ancient art of mixing by-products from your yard with water, air, and time. What better way to dispose of leaves in the fall, grass clippings throughout the summer, and kitchen vegetable scraps than to turn them into compost?

Composting is a biological process in which microscopic organisms break organic waste into a dark, rich, and crumbly substance called humus. Like other critters, these microscopic organisms need a proper diet made up of a balance of green and brown materials.

Green material might include grass clippings, pulled weeds, vegetable garden waste, rotten fruits, and more. Brown material is often leaves in the fall but can also include dead flowers, shredded newspaper and other dried up plant material.

Basically, composting is like making lasagna. By-products from your yard are layered, alternating green and brown materials. A ratio of 1-part green material to 2-parts brown is a good start. In the beginning, you might also include bare soil or animal manure, which contains microorganisms that get the pile working.

When you are done, water the pile and wait. A properly functioning pile will heat up in the center. Once the pile starts “cooking,” it will break down faster if you turn it regularly with a pitchfork or rototiller. I sometimes leave a small tiller by my compost pile, so it is easy to turn.

Locate your compost pile in an accessible, but inconspicuous area. The average homeowner compost pile size is 3 feet by 3 feet. A compost pile can be as simple as piling materials in a corner of your yard. My compost area includes three bins constructed with discarded pallets from a local store. This allows me to have three stages of compost at once.

For a different twist on composting, try vermiculture. Also called worm composting, vermiculture uses small red worms to compost kitchen waste. I have a small tub of worms in my basement making “black gold.”

For more information on composting for the homeowner go to web.extension.illinois.edu/homecompost.

Originally Published in Canton Daily Ledger on 10-12-2002, 7-23-2005, and 3-3-2012

Friday, November 5, 2021

Birding Equipment…How to Use Binoculars

University of Illinois
Master Naturalist Training
We are enjoying watching the birds at our backyard feeders in the winter. They add action and color to an otherwise static winter scene. 

Bird watching is a popular hobby in America. According to a 2016 US Fish and Wildlife Service survey, more than 45 million people watch birds around their homes and away from home. If you aren’t already, you too can be a birder. All you need is the will and some basic equipment. 

Most people use binoculars to bird. The most common ones that I see are 7 x 35. The first number signifies magnification, and the second number gives the size of the lens in millimeters. A bigger ratio of magnification to lens size gives a sharper image. Therefore an 8 x 42 is sharper than an 8 x 32; however, the 8 x 42 is larger and bulkier to carry.

Regardless of the type of binoculars you have, you need to know how to use them. Binoculars need to be calibrated for each user, using the single adjustable eyepiece knob. Everyone’s eyes are different, so they must be calibrated for your eyes. Once you know your number, it will never change. For my binoculars, I use the 2+ setting, while my husband’s setting is different.

Adjust the binoculars to fit your eye width using the center hinge. If you wear glasses, roll the rubber edge down or twist each eyepiece all the way inward. Those without glasses need that extra space left alone. Finally, rotate the center wheel to focus both eyes on the subject in view.

If you are serious about birding, you might also consider getting a spotting scope. Spotting scopes work from a farther distance away and often require a tripod for stability. Scopes magnify a subject 20x to 80x, compared to the 7x or 8x on most binoculars.

Illinois Audubon outing with scopes
Birders typically carry a notebook to record their findings. Some also use their smartphone or tablet to play bird calls and look up identification characteristics.

One of my favorite birding websites is the Cornell Lab of Ornithology at www.birds.cornell.edu. There you’ll find directions on calibrating your binoculars and downloadable birding checklists for your location. Start building your bird life list today.

Birding from the comfort of your home is a fun winter activity. In 2018 I produced a YouTube video on Bird Feed Types and Tips. I talk about how adding variety to your bird feeders attracts a wider variety of birds. Learn about types of seed and feeders that you can use in your yard.

Originally Published in Canton Daily Ledger on 2-2-2013 and 1-20-2018