Friday, May 5, 2023

Finding Magic at the 1st Annual Bend Yoga Festival

I wanted to do the Bend Yoga Festival the first time I heard about it in our Body, Mind, and Soul (BMS) Studio. Oregon is an amazing location for an outdoor yoga festival, and I would meet studio members face to face, including our inspirational leader Allie Van Fossen and her assistant Jess. This festival spoke to me, and Mark got on board immediately. We added an excursion at the beginning of the trip to the Redwoods and Crater Lake National Parks and booked the trip almost immediately (watch for articles on visiting the Redwoods and Crater Lake). 

As is usually the case, as the time got closer, I felt increasingly nervous and a bit unworthy. The day before the festival began, I was particularly nervous. I was anxious and wondered if I really belonged in this group. Yet, deep down my inner mentor kept reassuring me that I belonged and had a right to be there. 

It helped meeting the BMS family prior to the festival opening. I had a great time meeting Allie and the studio family members Friday night. We met at Bend Brewing Company for conversation over local beer and food. Met Jess, Heather, Veronica, and so many more. The next morning, I met some fellow studio members on my way into the festival, so we spread our yoga mats out together.  

Figure 1. Body, Mind, and Soul Studio Members meet in person.

Each festival attendee was given a gift bag with an astrological calendar, then we set an intention for the festival by dropping a rose petal in water. My intention was to relax, enjoy, connect, and “Find the Magic.” The opening session was a “Community Ritual and Welcome Ceremony” by Sianna Sherman and Masood Ali Khan. It was challenging with some intense asanas and included some great music. I really enjoyed the class. 

Figure 2. Waiting on the first session of the 2022 Bend Yoga Festival.

The sun was so strong both days. The first day, I was there from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., mostly in the full sun. I tried to put on suntan lotion, but I couldn’t reach it all. I burned bad in those spots on my back that are usually covered. The second day we all tried to stay in the shade when possible, and I took more coverups. It was cool in the morning, so my planned layers worked very well (watch for article on trip planning).

The festival is a nice mix of yoga and other health-related classes. I particularly enjoyed the interesting class on “Anti-inflammatory Living” with Dr. Emily Wolbers of QC Natural Health. My takeaway was to eat more Omega 3 fish, less of the nightshades, peanuts, corn, and citrus. I decided to redo my food sensitivity test and learned that meditation tools really help with inflammation and anxiety. (Note: I later went to Dr. Wolber’s medical practice in Moline, IL for the food sensitivity test. I learned a lot from her and she gave me some supplements that have helped.) I also did a session on “Ayurveda: Ancient Solutions to Modern Problems” by Suzie Newcome. 

Mark and I both enjoyed Bend, Oregon. He spent his days hiking at Smith Rock State Park and white-water rafting on the Deschutes River with Sun Country Tours. We met each evening at the hotel and enjoyed local food and drink. My favorite was falafel salad and hazy IPA beer sitting outside at the Cascades Lakes Brewpub near our hotel.

Allie’s two sessions gave me the best take home messages. Her “Awaken the Chakra System” session was after the opening asana on the first day. We all moved closer to her, and she did an amazing job. She taught using the chakras in a very slow, peaceful, reflective way. I got choked up when she had us punch out – “I can, and I will.” So powerful as I looked at the snowcapped mountains and the clear blue sky. Evergreens surrounded the skyline park fields. Allie asked us to reflect on which chakra we needed to work on most, and here is what I wrote. 

I think it’s my throat chakra. I want to speak freely, without reservation or regrets. I want to freely self-express. A balanced throat is at peace, truthful, listens, communicates well, and has strong self-expression. I’ll work more on this area. I just need to be myself. I’m not a young yogi like most of them. I am timider and more introverted, but I still do it. I still feel the magic. 

 Figure 3. Allie Van Fossen teaches the Chakras, with assistance from Jess.

Her closing session helped me reflect on how much the festival meant to me. She walked us through the Five Koshas and had us reflect on how the festival helped us open each sheath. 

Annamayakosha - Physical body...I felt most connected, safest, strongest, most secure in my physical body during the conscious dance session. I felt free to move and act in whatever way felt right at that moment. I was me – without worry or distraction. It was freeing and fun. 

“Conscious Dance...A SoundoffTM Experience” was my third festival session, and I was blown away. We wore headphones and our instructor Petit Davina played music while providing some guidance. I danced all around and got into the music very well. Not sure how I looked doing it, but it didn’t matter at all. This was a fun class. Something totally new for me that I never imagined doing. (Note: Over the year, the festival has posted short video clips on their BendYogaFestival Instagram Page, and I saw myself dance on one. I looked great!)

Figure 4. Me (in blue cap) dancing, see full video on Vimeo.

Pranymaykosha – Energy Body...My energy was flowing freely in today’s asana session. I was comfortable and although we laughed that we couldn’t do it all, we tried. I flowed to the music and her instructions with my community all around me. 

The “Rasa Yoga” session by Masood Ali Khan and Sianna Sherman on the second day was fun and challenging. It included great music and mudras. Part of the session was done with a partner. My partner, another BMS studio member, and I laughed and laughed as we tried to get our bodies to mirror the instructors.  

Manomayakosha – Psycho-Emotional Body...I feel calmest and clearest right now during this closing session. I feel I belong and I’m on the right path. I can do hard things. I need to do hard things. I know now that I’ll do more. 

Allie’s “Closing Meditation and Ceremony” was especially spiritual because she moved it under shady trees, and I was surrounded by my new friends and BMS family members. The smaller crowd allowed us time to each share our take-home intention for the festival (see below). I was so moved that I didn’t want it to end.

Vijnanamayakosa - Wisdom body...My wisdom body was online and present during the sunrise meditation today. I felt connected to the people around me, the place, the music, the instructor, and to myself. I felt at peace and know my life is on the right path. There is more to do and I’m excited to see what that is. 

I had a great second morning at the festival. The “Sunrise Meditation” by Alexandra Lyon at 8 a.m. was very moving. 

Anandamayakosha - Bliss body...I had a blissful moment during Allie’s chakra session. I looked up to see a hawk fly over, the blue sky, white capped mountain, sun & wind. All the elements were present, and I felt whole and one with the world. 

Festival Closing Intention...Act now to open my throat chakra. I know now that I do belong, and I can do hard things. “I will open my voice to express myself freely and fully.” 

My journal entry at the end of the festival gives me insight into my future. 

Overall, I’m so glad I came. It was hard but I was able to push away the fear and find the courage to move on. Without that drive I’d miss so much that I want to do. I do see my life starting to move toward something new. I feel it is something to protect and/or help properly manage the earth. I’m not giving up the writing dream, but I just don’t feel it anymore. I want to volunteer at a park or help at a yoga place. I could even volunteer at Shoshoni or a similar place. I can help others find their true selves and feel more connected to our Earth. (Note: Over the next year I began to realize that writing is part of this change in my life. I write extensively about travel and connecting to nature and earth through plants, hoping it will help others find that connection too.)

I walked out of the festival feeling bliss and knowing that I met my initial intention. I found the magic of the festival in the people, music, surroundings, and practices. Best yet, I continue to build on what I learned there, both on and off the mat. I highly recommend this festival and know that attendees at the 2nd Annual Bend Yoga Festival will find the magic too. 

Note: The First Annual Bend Yoga Festival was held on June 25-26, 2022 at Skyline Park.