Thursday, July 27, 2023

Tree Meditations - a 40 Day Sadhana

I'm completing a 40 day meditation sadhana as part of a learning journey in my online yoga studio. For two years I've been working on completing the seven step program in the Body, Mind, and Soul Yoga Studio. This is the final step. For 40 consecutive days I will do the same meditation daily. I chose a meditation from the CALM app by Jeff Warren titled "Rooted." It is a 10 minute meditation imagining I am a tree. Each day a different tree comes to mind and gives me insights into its positive qualities and intentions to include in my daily life. Each day I will add the daily tree below. 

Day 1 (July 24, 2023) - Cherrybark Oak (Quercus pagoda) from Heron Pond in Southern Illinois reminds me to be happy and loving. 
Rhonda by Cherrybark Oak at Heron Pond in 2019.

Day 2 (7-25-23) - Ponderosa Pine (Pinus ponderosa) is fun, strong, hip, colorful, and proud. 
Giant ponderosa pine at LaPine State Park in Oregon,
considered to be the largest of its kind in the world. Taken 7-9-23. 

Day 3 (7-26-23) - Japanese Maple (Acer japonica 'Osakazuki') my shade garden is patient, peaceful, graceful, and kind. 
Japanese Maple in my shade garden on 7-26-23. 

Day 4 (7-27-23) - Banyan (Ficus benghalensis) in Edison Home in Ft. Myers, Florida. I pictured myself sitting behind its many trunks where she reveals her social, friendly, cool, welcoming nature. 
Banyan tree at Edison Home in 2016.

Day 5 (7-28-23) - Black walnut (Juglans nigra). I pictured a big, old tree in the yard where I grew up in Canton, IL. I don't have a picture of it, but this picture is of an offspring from that tree that my Dad transplanted (with my niece Tiffany in the swing). Black walnuts are strong and defenders of themselves. They teach us to watch out for ourselves and remember to look for the emotional and spiritual side of things, not always focusing on power and money. A great tree! 
Black Walnut tree in Canton, IL about 1996. 

Day 6 (7-29-23) - White Pine (Pinus strobus) is soft, flexible, and resilient. 
White pine that Derek planted as a sapling in 2003 that he got in the 3rd grade.
Photo taken in 2020. 

Day 7 (7-30-23) - Eastern cottonwood (Populus deltoides) is soft, big, and a sentinel of the shoreline. 
Tyler in 2013 by a large cottonwood at my parents home.
I cried when they cut it down. 

Day 8 (7-31-23) - Honey locust (Gleditsia triacanthus) is lethargic and slow.

Day 9 (8-1-23) - White oak (Quercus alba) is the Mother of the forest - loving and caring. 
Large white oak in 2020 on trail at Dickson Mounds Museum. 

Day 10 (8-2-23) - no specific tree came to mind. I thought of many and felt a grounding to the earth. 

Day 11 (8-3-23) - Silver maple (Acer saccharinum) made me feel radiant and free. 
Silver maple in our front yard on 8-3-23.

Day 12 (8-4-23) - Bristlecone Pine (Pinus longaeva) tells me to embrace time and place. This tree is old and content where it is due to adaptability, resiliency, and joyful living. 

Rhonda hiking the Bristlecone Pine trail at Great Basin National Park in 2022. 

Day 13 (8-5-23) - Pin oak (Pinus palustrus) lives with strength, structure, and stability and so will I. 
Pin oak at St. Louis Botanial Garden in 2012.

Day 14 (8-6-23) - Willow (Salix alba) represents fluid, flexibility, freedom, and whimsy. 
Willow in the Portland, Oregon Chinese Garden in 2009.

Day 15 (8-7-23) - Banana is fun, supple, and bouncy. 
View of banana from my meditation pillow. 

Day 16 (8-8-23) - Pecan (Carya illinoinensis) reminds me to "live by the precept of the Honorable Harvest - to take only waht is given, to use it well, to be grateful for the gift, and to reciprocate the gift." Source: Braiding Sweetwater Grass by Robin Wall Kimmerer, page 20-21.
Sitting under the pecan tree,
watching my husband and dad harvest vegetables. 

Day 17 (8-9-23) - Forest Bathing (no specific tree came to mind during today's meditation)

Day 18 (8-10-23) - Hawthorn (Crataegus sp.) sent me vibes of confidence, boundaries (defense), sharing, and radiance while also revealing its spring flowers, summer shine, fall fruit, and winter structure. I pictured the hawthorns at Canton's Lakeland Park that I used to water while working there in college-year summers. 

Day 19 (8-11-23) - Bur Oak (Quercus macrocarpa) - is burly, strong, stable, and a leader. 

Day 20 (8-12-23) - Birch (Betula sp.). Immediately as my meditation began I felt myself under a large river birch (B. nigra) while kayaking flooded Rice Lake in 2019, then I went to the paper birch (B. papyrifera) while canoeing and camping the boundary waters in 1976 & 1977, and finally to the water birch (B. occidentalis) of the Great Basin the past couple years. Each time I was at ONE with nature. 
River birch (left) growing out of a cottonwood tree at Rice Lake. 

Day 21 (8-13-23) - Black cherry (Prunus serotina) - I sat beneath a grove of black cherry in our woods to meditate and felt at one on the Earth. 

Day 22 (8-14-23) - Witchhazel (Hamamelis x intermedia 'Arnold Promise') - When she explodes with blooms before everything else in the garden, she gets so excited. She bursts open and starts spring early, showing off her brilliance to the world, then relaxes and enjoys summer sun and rain. She feels tingles when someone touches her then sleeps soundly through the winter. A fun little tree/shrub that is also healing, medicinal, and sacred. 
Witchhazel on March 4, 2020

Day 23 (8-15-23) - Eucalyptus stands tall next to the Pacific ocean, welcoming monarch butterflies to overwinter in its branches. It teaches us to be fun, friendly, free, and colorful. 
Monarch in a Eucalyptus at Pismo Beach Monarch Sanctuary on 2-18-2021

Day 24 (8-16-23)- Joshua Tree - patient, sun loving, peaceful, and slow
Rhonda at Joshua Tree National Park on 1-31-2022.

Moved to Self-Guided practice using nature sounds music and a timer. 

Day 25 (8-17-23) - Costa Rica Jungle 
Tree Fern in Costa Rica in 2013

Day 26 (8-18-23) - Douglas Fir - I selected a Northwest sounds video and meditated from a Douglas Fir tree. I felt clean, clear, unique, timeless, and expansive. 
Douglas Fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) Grand Tetons National Park, 9-5-2021.

Day 27 (8-19-23)  California oaks - unpredictable, long-lasting, grumpy
Rhonda ‎⁨in Los Osos Oaks State Natural Reserve⁩, ⁨Los Osos⁩, ⁨California⁩, on 2-7-2021.

Day 28 (8-20-23) - Sycamore - resilient and radiant
Sycamore at Ferree Home

Day 29 (8-21-23) - River trees - I was a bird in the tree along the Illinois River at Anderson Lake. I flew across the lake to the river and sat, watching the river flow by. Later I flew to a tree in the forest and watched the lightning bugs wake up and sing all around. I was an owl, silent, wise, and all-seeing. 
Rhonda sitting in tree along Illinois River on. 8-14-2019.

Day 30 (8-22-23) - Forest Songs of peace and positive vibes
Lusk Creek Nature Preserve in Southern Illinois

Day 31 (8-23-23) - University of Illinois Quad trees sent me wisdom, clarity, and intuition.
University of Illinois Quad on 10-24-2014

Day 32 (8-24-23) - Backyard pond and green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica) tree.  I heard the sound of wind chimes and water trickling. I started in a park by water, then a botanical garden, and ended in my own backyard feeling at peace in the warm vibrations of love and home. I am at home on earth with my biggest family "tree." 
Green Ash tree at end of garden pond in my backyard.

Day 33 (8-25-23) - Monterey Cypress (Cupressus macrocarpa) - I saw the Lone Cypress at 17 mile drive where it stands in the harsh elements content in space and time. 
Lone Cypress on 17 mile drive, Pebble Beach, Monterey, CA.

Day 34 (8-26-23) - Spring flowering trees: Flowering redbud, magnolia, and dogwood reminded me to start each day with new hope, energy, and grace. 
Yellow Butterflies Magnolia with redbud in background in 2019 at my house. 

Day 35 (8-27-23) - Sugar Maple (Acer saccharum) is sweet, friendly, and positive.
Sugar maple in Mississippi Palisades State Park in 2020.

Day 36 (8-28-23) - White birch (Betula paperifera). I did this meditation while riding behind Mark on our Triumph Tiger motorcycle through the Pictured Rocks National Shoreline area. The white birches around me stood out as elegant, delicate, and pretty. 
White birch at campground in Upper Michigan, 2023. 

Day 37 (8-29-23) - Upper Forest trees - part of them all in Upper Michigan.

Day 38 (8-30-23) - Eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis) 

Day 39 (8-31-23) - Any tree in the Upper Forest

Day 40 (9-1-23) - All trees. I"m part of Earth's Family "Tree"
View from my last day's meditation at Island Lake National Forest Campground, Upper Michigan, September 1, 2023.

Friday, July 21, 2023

A Banner Marsh Morning Paddle

For years we’ve been wanting to kayak at Banner Marsh State Fish and Wildlife Area. We drive past it routinely and even headed that direction about five years ago, but it never did work out – until today (Friday, July 21, 2023). I don’t know what I expected, but I certainly did not expect to be so impressed with this site. I really expected it to be a mucky, marshy, messy, muddy water without much character. Boy, was I ever wrong. 

Figure 1. Mark kayaks away from the Banner Marsh boat dock.

Banner Marsh was amazing. We started at the boat ramp and paddled down the long straight-a-way along a well-established kayak trail with metal signage leading the way. I also followed a Banner Marsh Paddle Route from the AllTrails app. We ended up paddling 3.4 miles for 1 hour and 40 minutes. 

Figure 2. Mark paddling among the water lilies at Banner Marsh.

Immediately we remarked on how clear the water was. We could see fish swimming and water plants were all along the shoreline, water plants that usually need clean water to flourish. Particularly outstanding were the American waterlily (Nymphaea odorata), small pondweed, yellow water primrose, and cattail (though most cattails were choked out by the invasive reed grasses). 

Figure 3. American Waterlily at Banner Marsh.

There were a lot of invasive plants along the shoreline such as Common Reed Grass (Phragmites sp.), Autumn olive (Elaeagnus umbellata), honeysuckle, and teasel. Yet, we also saw some nice shoreline plants, including a fruiting black cherry tree (Prunus serotina) with ripening fruit hanging over the water. Several trumpet creeper flowers and a few nice dogwoods.

Figure 4. Black Cherry fruit at Banner Marsh.

Along the route we saw a couple pair of graceful swans, some great blue herons, and many turtles popping their heads above water to watch us float by

This might be our new go-to kayaking destination. Next time we’ll take a picnic lunch and our fishing poles.