Saturday, May 21, 2022

Norfolk Island Pine

The Norfolk Island Pine is commonly sold as a holiday plant. It is sometimes even used as a small indoor Christmas tree. Often the small trees are sold already decorated with little balls and tinsel. 

Norfolk Island Pines are very formal looking plants. The branches are horizontal forming tiers of foliage around the branches at regular intervals along the stem. It has a graceful form with drooping branch tips. 

Norfolk Island Pines (Araucaria heterophylla) are subtropical trees from the Norfolk Islands in the South Pacific. They grow quite large (200 feet tall) in tropical settings. In our cold climate, however, we grow them as houseplants that reach six feet tall by four feet wide. These elegant, tolerant conifers will thrive for many years in home conditions. They are quite easy to grow if a few guidelines are remembered. 

A common complaint of this plant is needle drop. Needle drop can result from sudden dry air, drafts, or dry soil. Remember that these are tropical plants and therefore must be covered during transport from the store to your home. Place these plants where the tree will not be damaged by traffic, as broken branches do not grow back. 

Give this plant plenty of light and the proper moisture. Steady, moderate light, not necessarily direct sun, is best. In low light, branches become long and droopy, and top growth slows. As with most houseplants, allow the soil to dry between watering. Overwatering can lead to loss of branches. 

These plants can tolerate temperatures as low as 45 degrees F, but do best between 65- and 75-degrees F. A subtropical plant, such as this one, will not tolerate temperatures for long below 40 degrees F. without showing damage. 

Norfolk Island pine is a long-lasting houseplant that grows slowly at only three to six inches annually, if you’re lucky. I have had mine since 1984. I got it at the University of Illinois Horticulture Club’s Mothers’ Weekend flower show when it was about 8 inches tall. My plant has moved with me many times and has not always had the “perfect” location. Today, it is about five-feet tall and sits in a corner of my living room. I love this plant!

Enjoy your Norfolk Island pine this holiday season or pick up a new one. With proper care it will be with you for years to come.

Originally Published in Canton Ledger Column on December 8, 2012

The Meaning of Flowers

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. Do you have flowers ordered for your loved one? Flowers are a great way to communicate your love and affection. Over the years, flowers have developed meaning and are known to convey a special message.

Flowers can represent everything from friendship to true love. Chrysanthemums show friendship. Gardenias represent secret love. Lilies are a traditional wedding flower and mean chastity, innocence, and purity. Give a primrose to say, “I can’t live without you.” Another popular wedding bouquet flower is the Stephanotis to show happiness in marriage. Tulips are given to the perfect lover and more specifically a red tulip declares your love. Finally, orchids are commonly given as corsages to show love and beauty.

Rhonda Ferree's wedding bouquet (with her niece Tiffany)

But no other flower shows more meaning than a rose. According to the Rose Information Bureau, each rose color has a special meaning. All roses symbolize love, but certain colors of roses can take on special meanings. What’s more, when several colors in various stages of bloom are combined in one arrangement, your floral bouquet can speak a whole sentence instead of just one thought. Here are some of the most widely accepted meanings for different rose colors, blooms, and arrangements: 

  • Red roses show love, respect, or courage
  • Yellow roses represent joy, gladness, or freedom
  • Pink/peach roses exude gratitude, appreciation, admiration, or sympathy
  • White roses demonstrate reverence, purity, or secrecy
  • Two roses joined together display engagement
  • Red and white roses together prove unity

Additionally, rosebuds say, “You are young and beautiful.” A single rose stands for simplicity. In full bloom, it means “I love you” or “I love you still,” and a bouquet of roses in full bloom signifies gratitude. 

Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!

Originally Published in Canton Ledger Column on 1-30-16

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Houseplants Clean Air in Our Homes

I need to purchase some houseplants for my home and office. I am looking for houseplants that will help clean the air. Why? Because research shows that houseplants play an important role in cleaning the air we breathe.

A team of National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) researchers lead by Dr. Bill Wolverton tested the effect of fifteen houseplants on three pollutants known to be present in spacecrafts. 

These same three pollutants--benzene, formaldehyde and trichloroethylene--are present in homes and office buildings. Benzene is a very commonly used solvent that is present in many common items including gasoline, inks, oils, paints, plastics, and rubber. Formaldehyde is a chemical found in virtually all indoor environments, including modern office furniture, grocery bags, and in floor coverings, carpet backings and permanent-press clothes. Trichloroethylene (TCE) is used in printing inks, paints, lacquers, varnishes, and adhesives.

NASA found that certain houseplants removed as much as 87 percent of indoor air pollutants within 24 hours under controlled conditions. Each plant type was placed in sealed, Plexiglas chambers in which chemicals were injected. 

Aglaonema (Chinese Evergreen)

The top plants included Bamboo Palm, Chinese Evergreen (Aglaonema), English Ivy, Gerbera Daisy, Janet Craig Dracaena, Corn Plant Dracaena, Mother-in-Law's Tongue, Pot Mum, Peace Lily, Warneckii, Dracaena, Philodendron, Spider Plant and Golden Pothos. 
Assorted Houseplants

Most effective in removing formaldehyde was the philodrendron, spider plant, and pothos. Flowering plants such as gerbera daisy and chrysanthemums were rated superior in removing benzene from the chamber atmosphere. Other good performers are Dracaena 'Massangeana', Spathiphyllum, and Golden Pothos. "Plants take substances out of the air through the tiny openings in their leaves," Wolverton said. "But research in our laboratories has determined that plant leaves, roots and soil bacteria are all important in removing trace levels of toxic vapors".

 The NASA researchers suggest that for the test plants to be effective "air cleaners" it is necessary to use one potted plant per 100 square feet of home or office space. 

Add houseplants to your home and office. Not only are they nice to look at, but they also make your air cleaner to breathe.

Originally published in Canton Daily Ledger on 2-7-2004 

Houseplant Insects

I recently discovered scale insects on one of my houseplants. They are on my Anthurium (Flamingo Flower) and are causing the leaves to turn yellow and drop off. I know several of you also have an occasional problem with insects on your houseplants. Today I will cover a few of the sucking insects. 

Sucking insects suck the plant’s sugary sap, causing the leaves to turn yellow. Since these insects cannot fully digest all the sugar, they secrete a sticky substance called honeydew. Examples include scale, mealybugs, and aphids. Houseplants infected with these insects will have sticky leaves and sticky areas below the plants. 

Oystershell scale on maple

Scale insects are hard to see. They are brown or gray in color and extremely small. To the untrained eye, they may be unobservable, or you might think they are part of the plant. Upon close examination, you will notice round, oval, or shell-shaped clusters residing upon the branches and stems of infected houseplants. These clusters (scales) can be scraped off the stem. The insects live under this scale, which makes control difficult. 

Scale insects have 3 stages of growth: egg, crawler, and adult. Only the crawlers are easily controlled. Crawlers hatch from eggs and move across the plant. Eventually they lose all their appendages and secrete a waxy covering that forms the observed “shells” which protect the pests. 

Mealybug (in center of picture)

Mealybugs are more obvious. They appear as small, white cottony balls that cluster at the base of leaves. Since they are small, mealybugs hide at the base of leaves and make control difficult. 

Aphids are not as common indoors but do occasionally occur. These also are very small. Aphids are an eighth inch long and come in many different colors: green, pink, red, yellow, brown, or black. In the right situation, aphids build in large numbers, clustering upon new growth and stems. 

For all three of these insects, the control methods are similar. Thoroughly clean plant parts with a cloth dipped in soapy water (for example Ivory or Pine sol). Use 1-2 tablespoons per gallon of water. To get thorough coverage, you might even try spraying the soap solution on with a hand-pump spray bottle. 

In lieu of making your own insecticidal soap, you can purchase them. Commercial insecticidal soaps include fatty materials and smell like grease. Follow all label directions carefully. I do not recommend anything stronger than soap if used in the home. Repeated applications will be necessary. It also sometimes helps to isolate infested plants. 

If the infestation is very bad (and as a last resort), you may need to throw that plant away and purchase a new one. 

Originally published in Canton Daily Ledger on 2-3-2001

Flowering Houseplants: Gerbera Daisy and More

What could be cheerier than a flowering houseplant in your home during the winter? There are different types available ranging from African violets to orchids. 

Gerbera Daisy

Right now, I have a beautiful gerbera daisy blooming in my dining room. Actually, this plant was the centerpiece on my outdoor patio table last summer. I brought it indoors for the winter and it is blooming again. 

Gerbera is a member of the sunflower family. Therefore, it has the typical sunflower look of striking petals surrounding a center. Petals are available in yellow, orange, cream, white, pink or red colors. The center of the flower is sometimes black. 

Gerbera is very popular and widely used as a decorative garden plant or as cut flowers. The plants today are a cross between Gerbera jamesonii and Gerbera viridifolia, resulting in a Gerbera hybrid with thousands of cultivars. They vary greatly in shape and size. Often the same flower can have petals of several different colors.

The big, colorful daisy blooms are on 12-18 inch stems. The plant itself is an 8-12 inch round mass of leaves. 

Gerbera prefer to grow in bright light, warm temperatures, and partly dry soil. It works well outside in our hot, dry summers but be sure to bring it inside before the first frost. Mine grows inside in a southern exposure window. 

Other flowering plants to try indoors include streptocarpus, sinningia, cineraria, primrose, hibiscus, gardenia, cyclamen, and more. Most of these need medium to bright light and good humidity. 


A good option for medium to low light is the anthurium. This tropical plant has unusual, long-lasting flowers in red, pink, and white. The flowers are leaf-like (bracts) with a fleshy spike (spadix) coming from one end. Although they prefer good humidity, they will flower well indoors. Anthurium prefers partially dry soil and is typically planted in a bark-like mix. 

A popular cultivar is Anthurium ‘Lady Jane’. It has slender, clear pink bracts that curve open to reveal long, pink-tipped spadix. It also has glossy dark green leaves. 

Try a flowering plant in your home this winter. They will brighten your day!

Originally published in Canton Daily Ledger on 12-30-2006

Lucky or Curly Bamboo

While on the Spoon River Drive last weekend I (October 2006) came across some curly (or lucky) bamboo for sale. This is a trendy plant that is found many places, including many malls. 

This plant is not a bamboo at all, but the popular houseplant Dracaena. This is a tropical plant native to Southeast Asia or west tropical Africa. You will often find Dracaena growing in dish gardens. 

So how do they transform Dracaena into curly bamboo? As they age, these plants tend to develop long branchless stems with tufts of leaves at the top. Older stems are cut into various lengths and manipulated to twist and turn. Since this plant normally grows straight, growers place the plants in a space with light on only one side. Plants naturally grow toward light. To get them to twist, the plants are manually rotated periodically, forcing a new section to grow toward the light. 

Dracaena (or curly bamboo) is easy to grow. They grow in very low to high light and will grow in soil or water. When growing in water, consistently use one to three inches and change the water every two to three weeks. The plant will produce roots wherever the joints are covered with water. The higher the water level, the more roots it will develop, which can also add to the appearance, particularly in a clear vase. You can also add marbles, river rocks, or polished stones to the container for a decorative touch and to help hold the stalks upright. 

According to Susan Mahr, University of Wisconsin – Madison, the plants can last for years in just plain water. However, Mahr suggests adding a droplet of liquid fertilizer to the water periodically to provide nutrients and help the plant grow more vigorously (supposedly the longer the leaves, the more fortune that is bestowed to you, so fertilizer may really be beneficial!). 

Curly bamboo is used in flower arrangements for unusual interest or alone as special decorations. It has many symbolizations and customs associated with it. It is a centuries old custom to break off a stalk for guests to take home. According to Feng Shui principles, it symbolizes good fortune and is popular during times of celebration. Supposedly three stalks attract happiness, five attract wealth, seven results in good health, and twenty-one stalks offer a very powerful all-purpose blessing. The stalks are often arranged in tiers or tied together in bundles.

Mahr says that lucky bamboo is "recommended by Feng Shui masters and practitioners for improving Feng Shui and creating a space where you feel safe and more energized to meet the demands of today's high-pressured world." Maybe a curly bamboo is just what you need in your home or office to live a better life. 

Originally published in Canton Daily Ledger on 10-21-2006

Clone Your Plants

Do you have an annual flower in your garden this year that you especially like and definitely want to use again next summer? You might be able to clone it using vegetative propagation methods. 

I have a coleus plant that I particularly like in my patio containers. Each fall I take a few cuttings from the plants and grow them in my kitchen windowsill for use next spring. 

If you are an avid gardener, you probably noticed that some plant tags indicate that the plant is patented and thus can’t be propagated. This is true of many of the newer types of coleus. In other words, you can't propagate the patented plant by cuttings or division to sell.

Houseplant cuttings in water and soil

To get started, you’ll need containers, a sterile cutting tool, soil, and a makeshift greenhouse. The container could be anything. I often use disposable cups. Use a good, sterile rooting media that is pre-moistened. I suggest purchasing a premixed potting soil. For best results, create a “greenhouse” for the new plants to grow in until they are well established. I typically use ziplock bags or the little plastic zipper bags that curtains come in. Place your new plant starts in indirect light, opening the bag slightly to provide ventilation without losing humidity inside the bag. 

Division is the easiest way to propagate houseplants that form clumps such as ferns, mother-in-law’s tongue, African violets, spider plants, philodendron, pothos, and more. Simply knock the plant out of its pots and pull the sections apart with your hands. Tough roots sometimes must be cut apart with a kitchen knife. Repot the divisions immediately, add water, and watch your “new” plants grow. 

Cuttings are very simple and can be done several ways. Stem cuttings are taken from the ends of branches. Simply remove 3 or 4 inches of the terminal or end growth just below a node (leaf joint). Some common plants that can be started this way are coleus, geranium, ivy, begonia, and many of the philodendrons.  Simply insert the node of a stem into loose potting soil, water, and watch it grow. 

Want to learn more! Vegetative propagation is an excellent way for hobby gardeners to multiply their favorite plants at home and reap the rewards. Kim Elison, Horticulture Educator, discusses the advantages of propagation in her Four Seasons Gardening YouTube program. She provides detailed insight into various propagation methods including cuttings, grafting, layering and division. 

Consider hosting a plant cloning party this fall. Cloning plants is fun and a great way to share plants among family and friends. 

Originally published in Canton Daily Ledger on 9-26-2015