Showing posts with label 5-Garden-Landscapes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 5-Garden-Landscapes. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

What are all those purple field flowers?

I've had many people ask me what the purple flowers are in fields throughout Central Illinois, and beyond. The large patches of lavender colored flowers are beautiful in a bright sunny day.
Field of henbit in spring


They are henbit (Lamium amplexicaula). Henbit is a winter annual in the mint family. Winter annuals germinate in the fall and overwinter as very small seedlings. After milder winters, most of the little plants survive and begin to grow as temperatures warm in early spring. They flower prolifically and begin dropping hundreds of seed. Since these plants prefer cold temperatures, winter annual plants start to die out in the heat of summer. 
Closeup of henbit flowers and leaves in early spring.


You might see a couple close relatives blooming with similar flowers. Deadnettle has triangular leaves and is also a winter annual plant. Creeping Charlie is a relative, but it is a perennial plant that continues growing from year to year, expanding its growing area with aggressive above ground stems called stolons. 
Deadnettle in bloom

For more information on purple spring flowers, read Michelle Wiesbrook's article Fields and Lawns of Purple

Happy Spring!

Saturday, March 4, 2023

Time with Florida’s Plants and People

In February 2023 we escaped Illinois’ winter for the warmth and beauty of Florida where the picturesque live oaks drip with Spanish moss and take me back to another time and place. The old trees stand tall as if posing for a still painting. An occasional breeze slowly sways the Spanish moss, mesmerizing me into the Southern way of life. The trees take me back to a time when women wore cotton dresses and sat under the shade of the live oak trees – maybe the same ones I see today. 

Oak in Micanope, Florida
On this trip I traveled the length of Florida, where I saw amazing plants in yards, parks, rivers, lakes, museums, and towns. Each plant is wonderful in its own way and add to my overall experiences of Florida’s various places and times.

Vizcaya Museum and Gardens in Miami
In Miami, the Southern live oaks (Quercus virginiana) in the gardens of Vizcaya stand among elegance and wealth. The museum and gardens represent a different time and economic status. It was built by James Deering, the Vice President of International Harvester (IH), in 1916 as his winter home. This museum makes me think of my dad and grandpa slaving away in the hot Canton IH factory, working the furnaces and building plows – a nut and bolt at a time. Somehow their sweat and tears paid for all that extravagance, even if it was built 50 years before their time. 

Vizcaya Museum and Gardens, Miami, Florida
I particularly like the center courtyard of the home. It is surrounded in four corners by tropical plants. Originally the courtyard was open to the open sky, but over time a glass roof was added to protect it from hurricanes. 

Vizcaya Courtyard Garden
The formal gardens have several sections, including an orchidarium. The garden’s large trees have branches covered in small ferns. Aesthetically, the big old trees match the old garden buildings and water features. At one end is a natural area with mangrove trees growing in ocean backwaters. I particularly like a small secret garden with a grotto for sitting at one end and sensitive plant (Mimosa pudica) groundcover in the middle.

Vizcaya tree with ferns

Vizcaya mangrove

Secret Grotto Garden


Marjorie K. Rawlings State Park
Although I am impressed and mesmerized by the Vizcaya world, the Cross Creek world feels more like home. It is a contrast to see the two different worlds. Both locations take me to a different time, but time travel is strongest for me in Cross Creek. This community in Florida feels calmer and slower. Maybe it is its juxtaposition between two lakes, the hundred-year-old live oaks dripped in Spanish moss, or the historical places to visit. 

Chickens under an orange tree in Cross Creek, Florida

It's a place to slow down and think differently. A place to see nature at its rawest, where hardwoods and palms grow together in the adjacent hammock area (According to Wikipedia, “A Hammock is a term used in the southeastern United States for stands of trees, usually hardwood, that form an ecological island in a contrasting ecosystem.”). I picture Marjorie writing The Yearling on her front porch and can feel the cool breeze wafting gingerly through the thin screens. I can smell the coffee brewing and cake baking in her old cook stove. 

Marjorie K. Rawlings house in Cross Creek, FL
Front Porch in Cross Creek, FL
I picture myself there in a thin, cotton dress typing out a story of what I’m seeing and experiencing. Her gardens and chickens take me to my childhood. I feel the cool soil between my toes and the sharp talons of the rooster digging into my thigh. The perfume smell of orange blossoms says “dress up” and the composting oranges on the hammock trail say it’s garden chore time.

Cross Creek Garden

Hammock Trail at Cross Creek
A Place in Time – Silver Springs
Another surprise and highlight of the Ocala, Florida area was our boat ride on the silver river to see the manatees, monkeys, and alligator in the swamps of Silver Springs State Park. As we trolled into the park’s narrow waterway in Terrys’ jon boat we went back in time to when people lived on the swamp. The people here made their livelihood in the swamp among the plants and animals. Yet, where did the exotic monkeys come from? Local folklore says they escaped from past Tarzan movies, others say the escaped from a zoo, and still others say they were released by a tour guide to add whim and wonder on his river cruises. Regardless, the monkeys are here and though they thrive, they are said to be disease infested and risk extrication. 

Wild rhesus macaque monkeys at Silver Springs
Silver River in Florida

The crystal-clear blue waters of the silver river are mesmerizing. They flow in and around blooming bald cypress and newly spring-leafed water tupelo. Along the river banks grow yellow water lily (Nuphar lutea), pickerel weed (Pontederia cordata), swamp lily (Crinum Americanum), cardinal flower (Lobelia cardinalis), duck potato arrowhead (Sagittaria lancifolia), water lettuce (Pistia stratiotes), and more. So lush, green, and life giving to the alligators, turtles, fish, birds, and other critters that live there. The monstrous, gentle manatee feed on seagrasses and other plants growing beneath the water. Joining the exotic monkey are exotic common water hyacinth (Pontederia crassipes) and wild taro (Colocasia esculenta)
Water plants under Cypress tree
Manatee and yellow water lily

Near the spring headwaters we encounter the glass bottom boats and even more kayakers and paddle boarders. Several days later, Lynn and I walked along the water in the park with the live oak trees and blooming azalea. 

Silver Springs State Park, Florida

Miami Beach Botanical Garden
Botanical gardens are living plant museums that change constantly. We had visited the Miami Botanical Gardens in October 2019. This time we saw some old favorites and found some new ones. I am always amazed by the multicolored rainbow eucalyptus (Eucalyptus deglupta) tree’s bark that looks like it was haphazardly painted and the Ylang-Ylang (Cananga odorata) trees fragrant Chanel No. 5 smelling yellow blossoms.

Ylang-Ylang tree blossoms

Rainbow Eucalyptus Tree

This time I was blown away by the gigantic weeping fig (Ficus benjamina) tree in a far corner. I’ve grown this as a houseplant and seen it in many malls, but this naturally growing tree was bigger than any I have ever seen. 

Weeping Fig at Miami Botanical Garden

Other highlights this time include the Swiss cheese plant (Monstera deliciosa) growing up a palm tree, and orchids growing on a log across a koi pond next to a Talipot palm (Corypha umbraculifora). 

Koi Pond at Miami Botanical Garden

Swiss Cheese Plant on Palm tree

From there we walk to Miami beach to stroll the boardwalk. Along the way I am shocked to see the baobab trees (Adansonia digitata) growing in Collins Park. I’ve seen pictures of these online, but in person they are even more unusual and interesting. Looking mostly like a big, fat bottle, only a few delicate textured branches and composite leaves grow out the top of the trees’ massive trunk. 

Baobab Tree in Miami's Collins Park
In nearby Soundscape Park are large metal structures that make the bougainvillea appear like living, bright purple, tree sculptures. 

Bougainvillea "trees" in Miami

Cedar Lakes & Woods 
At the Vizcaya gift shop in Miami, I purchased The Garden Tourist’s Florida book by Jana Milbocker. It highlights many gardens in Florida that I have visited or hope to visit in the future. It’s where we got the idea to visit the Cedar Lakes Woods and Gardens near Ocala, Florida. It’s a private residence on an old gravel quarry that has been converted to elaborate gardens with water features and garden structures. We weren’t there at a peak time for the gardens or water plants, but it was still nice to visit. 

Cedar Lakes Woods and Gardens, Florida
The bridges, structures, and red colored arbors give the garden an oriental feel. It has several masses of bamboo, including a blue bamboo (Bambusa chungii) near the waterfall we walked behind. There was also a 142-year-old boxwood bonsai tree. 

Rhonda Walks Behind a Waterfall

Boxwood Bonsai

Blooming plants included pansy, golden trumpet tree (Handroanthus chrysanthus), Chinese fringe flower (Loropetalum chinense), black jewel orchid (Ludisia discolor), and many camelias.  

Golden Trumpet Tree

Chinese Fringe Flower

Black Jewel Orchid
Family Time 
Mostly we enjoyed time with family, which was the real reason for our visit to Florida. We reminisced and we make new memories.

At Cousin Terrys in Orange Lake, Florida, I too feel that simpler mindset. In front of me are large live oak trees – several hundred years old. They are stately and proud. Their many branches create strong structure to keep the huge tree upright through floods and hurricanes and droughts. Spanish moss drapes its branches. This tree too takes me back in time. What has this tree seen through its many years? Did Marjorie walk beneath it in 1930? How many hurricanes has it endured, and why didn’t the adjacent similar trees in Terry’s yard make it through the same winds a few years ago?

View from Terry's porch
Many plants take me back to memories of locations or people. Terry took me to a beautiful property where he picks up sticks for a begonia hobby grower. The begonias reminded me of college days working or exploring or studying in the greenhouses and gardens, of time spent planting begonias and other annuals for Brickman while running a landscape maintenance crew in Chicagoland, of writing about begonias as an Extension Horticulturist, or of planting them at my home in Havana. 

Escargo begonia

Begonia shade house

With Derek and Maria, we enjoyed time by the pool and lots of great food. We ate at PF Chang’s, the Margaritaville Resort near Hollywood beach, Sergio’s in Little Havana, the Neverland Coffee Bar near our Airbnb, pizza at home, flavored Five-guys milkshakes (they denied Maria a plain vanilla), and baked tortellini at home. 

Pool at Derek and Maria's 
Little Havana Mural

As I sit at my desk in rainy, cold Havana, Illinois, memories of the plants and people of Florida swirl in my brain. I look forward to our next trip to Florida. Next time I want to see more botanical gardens in Gainesville and Miami, hike natural areas, camp in the Ocala National Forest, take another boat ride, kayak the swamps, and ride our Tiger motorcycle on backroads. Until then, memories of family laughs and the peaceful sway of the Spanish moss in the live oak trees take me away to a peaceful, happy place.  

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Plant Encounters While Traveling in the United Kingdom

Finding amazing plants is one of my favorite parts of travel, and my trip to the United Kingdom in January was no exception. I knew I’d find plants in their winter beauty, but there was so much more. 

This was my favorite plant on our trip. Although there were many old, large London planetrees (Platanus x acerifolia), this is the one that stays in my memory best. It was in Stratford-Upon-Avon along the Avon River. Only in winter can we fully appreciate this mature tree’s full habit, branching structure, trunk texture, remaining fruits, and colors against the sky and landscape. Very similar to our Sycamore trees, London planetrees are a cross between Oriental planetree and the American sycamore. According to our tour guide, about half of the trees in London are planetrees. 

London planetree in Stratford-Upon-Avon

Other outstanding mature trees that made me say “Wow” included beech and cherry. 

Cherry tree in Greyfriars Kirkyard in Edinburgh, Scotland.

Closeup of beech bark in Minsters yard in York, England. 

“Tropical” plants were the biggest surprise for me. The United Kingdom has warmer, milder climate that we do in Illinois. Where we traveled the USDA plant hardiness zones ranged from 7 to 9 (Central Illinois is zone 5b). Here are some examples of plants growing outside in January that we grow as tropical annuals or houseplants. 

Palm at Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology in Oxford, England. 

Monkey Puzzle Tree (Araucaria araucana) Avon River in Stratford-Upon-Avon.

Japanese Aralia (Fatsia japonica) growing in Whitehall Gardens, London, England. 

Camelia in bloom in Whitehall Gardens, London, England.  

Atlas Cedar (Cedrus atlantica) Oxford University, England.

Blooming shrubs in January were also a nice surprise. This witchhazel (Hamamelis virginiana) especially striking. Located in a yard along the Ouse River in York, its cheery blooms were eye catching. 

Flowering Witchhazel in a yard in York, England. 

We explored many types of sites and landscapes with interesting plants.

Edinburgh Castle had bright green grass, large trees, and nice shrub plantings.

Nice tree outside castle cafe.

Large grassy areas around castle.

Plantings of euonymus and pine.

Bamburgh Castle was a pretty castle from the outside. I loved how it sat upon a hillside with rocks and grasses next to the shoreline. There were a lot of ferns and English Ivy growing there, as well as yellow blooming gorse bush.

Natural areas surrounding Bamburgh castle.

Hillside with ferns and ivy.

I was impressed by the plants I found in York, England, especially those on the Minster grounds. We walked along York's roman wall and could see beautiful yards and impressive trees below the medieval stone walls. 

London Planetree on Minster grounds.

Mature leaves and berries on English Ivy (Hedera helix)
(Note how leaves lose their three lobes when mature.)

View of Minster grounds from York wall.

View of food plots from York wall.

Positioned along the Dee River, Chester, England was also surrounded by a Roman wall and gates. Yards and cathedral grounds contained interesting plants. 

Chester, England yard

Grounds around Chester cathedral.

Mark and I got excited when we saw this 
paperbark maple (Acer griseum) on the Chester cathedral grounds. 

Our Stratford-Upon-Avon Indigo hotel room had a great view of the courtyard. 

View from Indigo Hotel room in Stratford, England.

Like many universities worldwide, Oxford University has amazing architecture and plantings. I especially liked the large wisteria, trees, natural areas, grass, blooming shrubs, and more. 

Another view of the mature Atlas Cedar mentioned above.

Large wisteria vine.

Viburnum in bloom.

Natural areas with bulbs and Hellebore.

Large tree by Oxford building.

London’s St. James Park is the oldest Royal Park in London and is surrounded by three palaces: the ancient Westminster (now the Houses of Parliament), St James's Palace, and Buckingham Palace. Although there were many plants there that I enjoyed seeing, here are a few of my favorites. 

Tower of Jewels (Echium pininana) has interesting leaves. 

Red and Yellow twig dogwood shrubs (Cornus servicea)

Birch and shrub groupings.

Masses of bulbs about to pop.

Gorse (Ulex europaeus) in bloom.

London’s Garden Museum in the deconsecrated church of St Mary-at-Lambeth. “The Garden Museum explores and celebrates the art, history and design of British gardens and their place in our lives today.” I was thrilled to see displays on pioneer female horticulturist Beatrix Jekyll (1843-1932) who created over 400 gardens in the United Kingdom, Europe, and the United States, and wrote over 1000 magazine articles. There were displays of old garden tools and a first lawnmower. A special exhibit featured Lucian Freud’s (son of Sigmond Freud) paintings of plants and gardens. The Museum’s courtyard contains the burial place of John Tradescant, an early gardener and plant hunter, and the tomb of Captain William Bligh (from Mutiny on the Bounty). 

St. Mary's garden outside the Garden Museum.

Display houses outside the Garden Museum. 

Plant display inside the Garden Museum.

Garden Museum courtyard with two graves. 

Exhibits of old garden tools. 

Silens Messor Lawnmore, c. 1885. 

Studley Horticultural and Agricultural College for Women, 1920.
The first college for women to study horticulture was set up in 1898
by Daisy Greville, Countess of Warwick.

We also saw interesting plants growing in and on various structures, roofs, and walls. 

Heather (Calluna vulgaris) under a hedge in a container in Edinburgh, Scotland.

Lots of primrose (Primula vulgaris) in bloom. 

Living wall in Chester, England.

Firethorn (Pyracantha  sp.) vine in Stratford-Upon-Avon, England.

Planter in Oxford, England.

Workers securing vines to structure in Oxford, England.

Vines on wall in Oxford (probably Boston Ivy).

Living walls and flower boxes in London.

Flower arrangement inside St. Giles Cathedral in Edinburgh, Scotland.

My favorite part of the entire trip was a natural area called horseshoe pass. Running from Llandegia to Llangollen, this short road climbs to 1,368 feet and is considered one of the most spectacular riding routes in the UK and is popular with motorcyclists. (We must come back and do that!). Though it was dusk and hard to see clearly from the far side of the bus, this was my favorite part of the entire trip. I loved it! Rolling hills of gorse and bracken fern. Slate piles that they mined. We needed more time in Wales and more time to explore the natural green beauty there. I enjoy the city and culture and history, but my soul yearns for green spaces and connection to nature. We stopped at the top and got out for pictures. I felt home there. 

View from horseshoe pass. Foreground: bracken fern and gorse bush.

View from horseshoe pass. Upper right: slate outcropping.

Even though I couldn’t visit any botanical gardens during this visit, I still saw some amazing plants and places. Next time I’ll visit in summer so I can go to Kew Gardens, Edinburgh Botanical Gardens, and hike natural areas. 

Other blogs about this trip: