Monday, April 13, 2020

African Violets Add a Welcome Splash of Color Indoors

While watering my African violets this morning I noticed new growth on a leaf cutting I did several weeks ago. Almost all of my African violets are in full bloom right now, which rarely happens. They typically bloom at different times, so this is a real treat!

African violets are houseplants that most people recognize. They are very popular, easy-to-grow, and add a welcome splash of color indoors throughout the year.

African violet (Saintpaulia ionantha) is a member of a large, interesting plant family known as Gesneriads. They are originally from tropical East Africa. I always taught my University of Illinois horticulture students that understanding where a plant comes from helps understand how to better care for it. Picture an African violet in its native setting alongside tropical waterfalls and mountainous streams. Obviously, we cannot recreate a tropical waterfall in our homes, but we can give the plant what it likes most.

Proper water and light are key to growing African violets successfully in the home. Medium to high light is ideal. They do best with sun in winter and diffused bright light in summer. The plant will grow in lower light, but must have higher light in order to flower. My plants do best in a north or east window.

Irregular and excessive watering results in several problems, so proper, regular watering is important. I suggest watering this plant from the container’s bottom because any water splashed on the leaves will spot and discolor the leaves. I use special African violet pots that my Mom makes in her ceramic workshop (pictured).
Regardless of the watering method, always allow the soil surface to dry thoroughly between watering. Overwatering can be fatal to African violets.

Although these plants tolerate most home conditions, they do best at 70-80 degrees with greater than 30% relative humidity levels. I trim off dead flowers and leaves each time I water, which is about weekly. After flowering, I fertilize that plant with an African violet fertilizer. The plant will rest briefly then reflower with adequate light.

Repot only as needed to renew crowded or overgrown plants. It is best to use special African violet potting mix because it contains proper humus amounts.

New plant at base of leaf
If your plant is very old and has a trunk-like stem, you might consider propagating a new plant. Simply cut off a leaf and stem and place it in a loose medium such as vermiculite or sand-mix. Thoroughly wet the pot and place it all in a clear-plastic bag near a window. When the cutting has rooted, a cluster of leaves will form at the base of the stem (pictured). Remove the plastic bag and you have a new plant! Be patient! It often takes many weeks to start a new plant this way.

As with all houseplants, when you purchase new plants examine them carefully before taking them home. African violet pests and diseases spread very easily among other violets. Be especially watchful for distorted and yellowing leaves, which could be a sign of the incurable cyclamen mites or mealybug insects.

In recent years I’ve notice African violets used outdoors in the summer. Try adding an African violet as a focal point in your flowers beds this summer, or in a container arrangement. Just remember to overwinter them indoors.

To learn more, check out this 3 minute African Violet video I created several years ago on YouTube.


  1. Hi Rhonda. I currently have 4 African Violets at home blooming or about ready to re-bloom. I would love to buy some of your Mom's pots if she is selling them. Thanks for showing how to propagate new starts.Great article! Sandy Edsall

  2. Yes she sells them. I’ll text you the info.
